We Have Moved!

Gondwana Genomics and the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology commence strategic partnership

Gondwana Genomics has entered into a strategic partnership with the Centre for Entrepreneurial Agri-Technology (CEAT) at the Australian National University (ANU). Australia’s newest agri-tech Centre, CEAT is committed to uniting scientists, researchers, students, industry and entrepreneurs to create a better farming future for all.

We’re looking forward to building on our existing links with ANU.

Our new address is:
Gould Building – Building 116, Daley Rd, Action ACT 2601, Australia

WoodChat Podcast Series from FWPA

Gondwana Genomics was profiled in episode 4 of the ‘WoodChat’ podcast series. Bala and Robert talk about the world-first large-scale development of MAS technology with Forests and Wood Products Australia. Listen to the full episode here

Gondwana Genomics Donates Laboratory Equipment worth $100,000 to Tour De Cure

Gondwana Genomics has donated a Fluidigm Juno genotyping system to help cancer researchers in their important work. Through an exhaustive tender process, Tour de Cure has placed the equipment with the Ingham Institute to focus on these projects initially:

  • Metastic prostate cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Brain cancer

I’d like to acknowledge the generosity of Gondwana Genomics for your support here. Though this gesture more research will be conducted will advance our understanding of how to cure cancer. On behalf of Tour de Cure, thank you.”
Paul Mirabelle
Chairman, Research, Support and Prevention Committee
Tour de Cure

In 3 weeks our Managing Director, Robert Southerton, is also riding from Sydney to Canberra to raise further funds for Tour de Cure and their important work. He’ll ride 437km in three days! You can support him and Tour de Cure here.

Our Newest Team Members

In October 2018 we welcomed two new members to the Gondwana Genomics team. Sam Marriott joins us as our office manager, offering a wealth of knowledge and support. Hollie Speer, a graduate from the University of Canberra, joins us as our laboratory assistant.

Please join us in welcoming both Sam and Hollie!

Gottstein Trust Forestry Course

The Gottstein Trust leads week-long courses in the fields of wood and forest science. Robert and Hollie had the pleasure of speaking to the students about Gondwana Genomics, and showcasing some of our lab space. Forest Learning has provided a short video of our lab operations.
AusTrade Delegates visited CEAT on the 21st of February. Gondwana Genomics had the opportunity to present to them the aims and capability of the company.

Eucalypt Genetics Conference – February 2019

Saro and Bala attended the Eucalypt genetics conference in Hobart, Tasmania. Gondwana Genomics sponsored the poster presentations with a $500 cash prize.

IUFRO Tree Biotechnology
2019 Sponsorship

Gondwana Genomics will be attending and sponsoring the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2019 Meeting. The conference will be held on the 23rd-28th of June in North Carolina, USA. 
IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network promoting forest-related research to enhance environmental, economic and social understanding of forests and trees.

If you will also be attending the conference, please let us know – we would love to catch up!
Further information and the full program can be found here.

Other News

IFA – What eucalyptus is that?
The Institute of Foresters of Australia share CSIRO’s new tool in their weekly news bulletin:

“There are almost 900 eucalypt varieties and identification has always been time consuming and complex. CSIRO have developed a tool to make identification easy with a comprehensive reference guide and new information system covering all Australian eucalypts. The guide, called EUCLID, helps anyone to understand and accurately identify a eucalypt from limited information.”

Our Services

Gondwa Genomics offers the full range of services to support tree breeding, including;

  • DNA isolation
  • Genotyping
  • Eucalyptus genus-wide marker panels  
  • Fingerprinting
  • Pedigree reconstruction
  • Hybrid analysis 
  • Estimating single-step genomic breeding values