Featured Key Publications



Eucalypt MAS: Implementation of marker-assisted selection in Australia’s major plantation eucalypts (PDF)

Thavamanikumar S, Southerton S, Southerton R, Brawner J, Thumma BR
Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited, Melbourne. 2018


Discovery and application of DNA markers for resistance to Teratosphaeria in E. globulus (PDF)

Thumma BR, Thavamanikumar S, Southerton S
Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited, Melbourne. 2017


Accelerated breeding for high pulp yield in E. nitens using DNA markers identified in 100 cell wall genes: The Hottest 100 (PDF)

Thumma BR, MacMillan C, Southerton S, Williams D, Joyce K, Ravenwood I
Forest and Wood Products Australia Limited, Melbourne. 2010


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