Gondwana Genomics History…
Start of quantitative analysis
The Australian Tree Seed Centre (a research division of CSIRO) begins carrying out comprehensive seed collections from native Australian eucalypt stands in the 1980s and ‘90s. In partnership with other researchers, state agencies and companies, large numbers of progeny trials are established, including seedling and clonal seed orchards, to investigate the genetic basis of commercial traits.
Early 1990s
Molecular research commences
The first molecular research on eucalypts is carried out in the early 1990s. This is largely aimed at identifying molecular markers that control growth and wood traits in commercial eucalypts.
Some positive markers are discovered, but these fail to predict trait performance in unrelated families or in different environments. Their application in real-world breeding programs is therefore limited.
Mid 2000s
Advanced markers discovered
In the years from 2005, CSIRO scientists begin to make bold advances in screening technology, developing approaches to marker discovery that harness the full potential of each species across diverse natural populations. This research uncovers large numbers of genetic markers for commercial traits in a range of plantation eucalypts.
Late 2000s
Genetic markers confirmed
Markers identifying genes with a positive influence on traits are further established between 2005 and 2014. These markers are demonstrated to predict traits in unrelated eucalypt populations growing in different environments—with accuracies equivalent to those achieved in clonally replicated field trials.
At last, scientists are able to define advantageous genetic traits, free of the confounding influence of environmental factors.
Marker-assisted selection commercially available
In recognition of its enormous economic potential, marker-assisted selection (MAS) technology is made commercially available in 2014. Thanks to the vast expertise of the company, CSIRO grants Australian-based Gondwana Genomics the global licensing rights to commercialise the marker technology worldwide.
Next-Generation genotyping commercially available
Gondwana Genomics’ scientists develop new next-generation genotyping methods. In a single cost-effect DNA test it’s now possible to do marker-assisted selection, fingerprinting and family pedigree reconstruction. Gondwana Genomics can now test for thousands of targeted SNPs in a single DNA test.
Gondwana Genomics achieves a world first
In a world first for commercial forestry. After a lengthy evaluation process, large-scale Genomic Selection is now being implemented by Gondwana Genomics in numerous commercial forestry programs in Australia. Gondwana Genomics tests over 10,000 seedlings for performance.
Next-Generation genotyping commercially available
Gondwana Genomics’ markers shown to work across all species of Eucalyptus and even in closely related genus Corymbia. The ability to genotype across species means Gondwana Genomics’ marker panels can be used for genotyping hybrids as well as non-commercial species.
Development of Markers for Acacia mangium
Marker panels for Acacia mangium developed, demonstrating Gondwana Genomics’ ability to work in any commercially important species.
Development of marker panels for genotyping > 20k markers
Gondwana Genomics achieves another genotyping breakthrough. Gondwana Genomics can now genotype more than 20k targeted markers in a single test.

The analysis you need,
without the wait.
For the first time in commercial forestry, GS allows you to definitively know which of your trees have positive traits when they are just small seedlings. You will see the commercial benefits sooner. Our next-generation targeted genotyping platform has simple and easy DNA collection requirements, just a single leaf.

+61 2 6109 6111
Gould Building (Building 116) Daley Rd,
ANU Canberra 2600 AUSTRALIA
P.O. Box 9181, Deakin ACT 2600 AUSTRALIA
© 2024 Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd, trading as GONDWANA GENOMICS | DESIGNED BY SOMMER STUDIO
ABN: 47 097 662 514